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4th Annual LOPS2025®


  1.  Canadian Academy of Sciences
    IUSL; The Institute for Ultrafast Spectroscopy and Lasers

    The Institute for Ultrafast Spectroscopy and Lasers (IUSL) of the City University of New York (CUNY) is a world-renowned multidisciplinary research laboratory devoted to promoting research and education in ultrafast optical science , photonic and laser technologies for scientific, engineering, medical, and industrial applications.

    Established in 1982 by Professor R. R. Alfano, the IUSL has grown to encompass ten laboratories located in the Marshak Science Building of The City College of New York. Research , associated faculty , students, post doctors   and support staff now total  about 40 . Among the major technical accomplishments are inventions of chromium-based tunable lasers of forsterite, cunyite, and emerald lasers; fluorescence , Resonance Raman and excitation biopsy ,Golden optical window in tissues at 1560 nm to 1800nm and supercontinuum techniques for medical diagnostics and   optical biomedical linear and nonlinear imaging techniques . The IUSL researchers over the past 5 years ( 2015 to 2019 )have garner 241 publications , 17 patents, $11M in grant funding ,and $1.35M IDC . The IUSL have published over 800 papers and have thus far been awarded more than 140 U.S. patents. The IUSL receives research grants from various federal and state agencies and industrial concerns. The research funding garnered by the IUSL has been over $2 M per year for the past 5 years and 19 Ph.Ds. were awarded. To date, over 74 Ph.D students, including 8 female and 5 from underrepresented minority groups, have received their Ph.D. degrees conducting research at the IUSL laboratories.

    As key side point in 2007 , the Electrical Engineering and Hamamatsu Photonic Laboratory  in Grove School of Engineering was close  to make room for new Biomedical Engineering Dept and moved back to the main Marshak Science operation. 


  2.  Canadian Academy of Sciences
    Hamamatsu Photonics
    (Major Sponsor LOPS 2025) (LOPS 2024)

    Optical Information Processing and Measurement | Health Care and Medicine | Biophotonics | Photonic materials |  Energy

    Highlights : 
    Devices & Units,  Optical Sensors, Optical, Components Cameras Light & radiation, Sources, Lasers Systems Manufacturing, Support,  Systems Semiconductor Manufacturing support Systems Photometry Systems Life Science, Medical systems 


  3.  Canadian Academy of Sciences
    Shu Chien-Gene Lay Department of Bioengineering, University of California, San Diego(LOPS 2024)(LOPS 2025))

    Shu Chien-Gene Lay Department of Bioengineering, University of California, San Diego

    Bioengineering @ UCSD is an interdisciplinary major in which the principles and tools of traditional engineering fields, such as mechanical, materials, electrical, and chemical engineering, are applied to biomedical and biological problems. Engineering plays an increasingly important role in medicine in projects that range from basic research in physiology to advances in biotechnology and the improvement of health-care delivery. By its very nature, bioengineering is broad and requires a foundation in the engineering sciences as well as in physiology and other biological sciences.

    The overall mission of the Department of Bioengineering is to improve health and quality of life by applying engineering principles to scientific discovery and technology innovation and to train future leaders in bioengineering through inspiring education and dedicated mentorship.

  4.  Canadian Academy of Sciences
     AIAE(Association of Italian American Educators)

    ​The AIAE was organized by a group of Italian American teachers and professors to enhance the Italian American image and presence in academia.

    The AIAE promotes discussion of educational issues impacting Italian Americans; supports formal and pertinent education; facilitates professional development for teachers; sponsors the Programma Ponte Scholarship Program (a course of study in Rome on Contemporary Italy, designed for Italian American college and high school students); and recognizes, and presents awards to, outstanding Italian American educators and leaders of the community for their achievements in their professions.   

  5.  Canadian Academy of Sciences

    XSoptix is a North American Distributor focused largely on Fiberoptics and Electro-optical components and equipment. Our partners have solutions for today’s emerging markets and applications such as: sensing, quantum computing and biotech. Our partners include: G&H, Toptica/eagleyard, Luna, RIO, Cristal Laser, OtO, exail, Coherent and Yokogawa.

  6.  Canadian Academy of Sciences

    • OEM Components
    • Optical Benches & Spectrometer Modules
    • Sensor Electronics, Drivers and Software
    • CCD, PDA, CMOS and InGaAs Sensors
    • Diffraction Gratings
    • Electronics Multiplexers and Optical Fiber Switchers
    • OEM Light Sources
    • Fiber Optic Cable Assemblies
    • Probes & Other Optical Process Interfaces
    • Technology Platforms
    • Software
    • Turnkey Solutions
    • CID1 Online Raman Analyzer
    • CID2 Online Raman Analyzer
    • NIR (Near Infrared) Spectrometer and Analyzer
    • UV-Vis Spectrophotometer (Spectrometer)
    • HazLoc and OrdLoc Compact NIR Analyzer
    • NIR Distance Measurement Head
    • Contact Measurement Head
    • Ultrasonic Levitator

  7.  Canadian Academy of Sciences

    Photonics is an international, scientific, peer-reviewed, open access journal on the science and technology of optics and photonics, published monthly online by MDPI.

    • Open Access— free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.
    • High Visibility: indexed within ScopusSCIE (Web of Science)InspecCAPlus / SciFinder, and other databases.
    • Journal Rank: JCR - Q2 (Optics)
    • Rapid Publication: manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision is provided to authors approximately 14.8 days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 2.6 days (median values for papers published in this journal in the first half of 2024).
    • Recognition of Reviewers: reviewers who provide timely, thorough peer-review reports receive vouchers entitling them to a discount on the APC of their next publication in any MDPI journal, in appreciation of the work done.

  8.  Canadian Academy of Sciences
    DRS DAY LIGHT Solutions (LOPS 2023)(LOPS 2024)(LOPS 2025)

    Revolutionizing Mid-IR Systems with Advanced Laser Technology

    DRS Daylight Solutions develops molecular detection and imaging systems for use in Scientific Research, Life Sciences, Industrial Process Control, and Defense applications. The company is the world leader in mid-infrared laser-based solutions, with a line of broadly tunable and fixed wavelength laser sources, sensors, and microscopes that utilize mid-infrared spectroscopy and imaging.

    The world’s leading provider of best-in-class mid-infrared, quantum cascade laser sources for the life sciences, research, industrial, and defense industries.

    Our QCL technology can be customized for a wide range of applications in the scientific, life sciences, defense, and industrial communities.

    About Mid-IR Quantum Cascade Lasers
    Scientific Research Papers



    Mid-infrared Lasers
    Chemical Imaging
    Sensors, Analyzers & Spectrometers
    Defense & Security
    Biophysical Characterization
    Digital Pathology

  9.  Canadian Academy of Sciences
    (LOPS 2021)(LOPS 2022)(LOPS 2023)(LOPS 2024)(LOPS 2025)

    The Leading Website for the Photonics Industry: News, White Papers, Articles, Products, Directory, Events and more

    GoPhotonics keeps users up to date with the Photonics Industry. In addition to providing the latest news, information on new products, upcoming events, webinars, calculators, white papers the website has created a unique product search tool that’s helps users find products based on their requirement.


  10.  Canadian Academy of Sciences

    Photonics news,research and product information. Includes online editions of Photonics Spectra, BioPhotonics, EuroPhotonics, Buyers' Guide, Dictionary.

  11.  Canadian Academy of Sciences
    International Conference Alerts

    At International Conference Alerts, you can get authentic information about various upcoming conferences hosted worldwide. International conferences offer multiple opportunities to stay updated on changing trends, the latest technological developments, major breakthroughs, and global achievements in your field. Such upcoming conferences are grounds for collaboration with experts and esteemed researchers. Interacting with these industry delegates opens doors of unimaginable opportunities and learning facilities. You can join these conferences to adapt to rapidly changing industry standards easily. When you opt for a free subscription, we can send you email notifications about conferences in medical, education, engineering, business, technology, and more. This way you won't miss details about these high-end conferences, including topics, months, schedules, and locations.