5th Annual Conference on Lasers, Optics, Photonics
Sensors, Bio Photonics, Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics & Structured Light

May 31-June 2 2025

Double Tree By Hilton, Hollywood Beach, Florida, USA



LOPS® 2025 (Edition 5)



Shu Chien-Gene Lay Department of Bioengineering
(University of California, San Diego)
College of Optics and Photonics)

Institute for Ultrafast Spectroscopy and Lasers (IUSL)
Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp
Smart Biophotonics, LLC 
AIAE (Association of Italian American Educators) 


Past Highlights 

"The program of the conference (LOPS2023) was very interesting and broad but unfortunately I could only be there for my talk due to an onslaught of work right before leaving for a week in Italy where I am now heading to sunny Calabria! I welcome the opportunity to attend the next one and I thank you in advance for inviting me to give another plenary; which means the need to present other novel and exciting research results"

Federico Capasso, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA

"LOPS 2022 was an excellent event, bringing together experts from many disciplines of the Optics and Photonics community. The initiative has gained momentum, compared to previous years. It is attracting a rising number of first class researchers from all over the world, and is definitely useful for anyone who would like to have exposure to top-of-the-line research in one own’s area, as well as for broadening one’s scientific horizon. In addition to being a forum for presentations and discussions, the conference was also an outstanding networking opportunity. Last but not least, the organizers have done an excellent job in coordinating the event, setting up a well-prepared schedule, and managing the conference in a timely manner. Thank you, Drs. Alfano, Javahiraly, Siesler, Toptani, and all remaining members of the Scientific Committee. Thank you, Keerthi, for your tireless efforts!  Thank you everyone for all your time and energy that made this event a success"

Boris Gramatikov Johns Hopkins University, USA

Be a part of the most important gathering of Luminaries !
LOPS®  A Global Amalgamation of Industries, Academia, R&D

LOPS (Edition 5) May 31- June 2, 2025 Fort Lauderdale, USA

Welcome to the world of Lasers, Optics, Photonics, Sensors, Bio Photonics and Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics and Structured light.  With the great success of LOPS® 2021 June 12-14, 2021), LOPS® 2022, June 10-11, and LOPS®2023 (June 2-5 2023) in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA our executive board is hosting LOPS® 2024 (Edition 4) during June 7-10, 2024 in DoubleTree Resort by Hilton Hollywood Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA. 

Join 100+ countries every year to share views, discoveries and cutting edge research areas at the 4th Annual Conference and Expo on Lasers, Optics, Photonics, Sensors, Bio Photonics and Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics  LOPS®2024.  LOPS®  is an "Globally Registered Annual Conference" in which presenters and delegates from across the World for Plenary, Keynote sessions, Workshops, Technical sessions during the three days. LOPS®2024™ is being organized with the supervision and support from organizing committee which includes renowned Pioneers, Professors, Academicians from 25 + Countries and renowned International Chief Executive Board Members.

   Previous Highlights

LOPS (Edition 4) June 7-10, 2024 Fort Lauderdale, USA

LOPS®2023 3rd Edition | June 2 to 5, 2023 Fort Lauderdale, USA
Conference Souvenir  Program

LOPS®2022   2nd Edition | June 10 to 12, 2022 
Conference Souvenir   |  
Speakers Info |  Program

LOPS®2021  1st Edition | June 12 to 14, 2021 
Conference Souvenir  | 
Speakers Info |  Program

The four days packed global conference with top World Class Plenary, Keynote Presentations, Demonstrations, Workshops, and General Sessions, Young Researcher Awards Nominations, Poster presentations which covers topics in-depth and discusses cutting edge technologies on the contemporary research and innovations that are taking place. 

LOPS2024™ Hybrid conference aim to offer the best of in-person and virtual experience across the World.

LOPS® Planning & Organizing Committee

The City College of New York | Founding Director, The Institute for Ultrafast Spectroscopy & Lasers (1982) | 
 Fellow: OSA , APS, IEEE, SPIE & ENYIPLA  2019: SPIE Gold Medal | 2008: OSA Charles Townes 
 2002: Coherent Lifetime Achievement | 2016: OSA Michael S. Field Biophotonics | 2013: APS Arthur L Schawlow
2013:  CCNY President's Inaugural Award for Excellence | American Physical Society Arthur Schawlow
Plenary Speaker, Chief Planning Committee member, LOPSTM Annual Conferences


The Boeing Company, Fiber Optic Architect, Chairman, LOPS2023
Developer of the Lightest Fiber Optic Cable in Aviation History
Architect & Developer of World 1st Fiber Optic Sensor for Rocket Engine

Chairman SPIE International Conferences
(Photonics Applications for Fiber Optic Sensors & Lasers for 8 years)

World Recognized Microtechnologist  & Materials Scientist | Chairman of SPIE & Global Excel Conferences (10 years)
 Chairman, Keynote Speaker LOPSTM 2021, Co-Chairman, LOPSTM2023 |  Chairman LOPSTM 2024

University of Strasbourg, France | Title: TBA | Senior Session Chair, LOPS Conferences
Session Chair, Keynote Speaker LOPSTM2021, LOPSTM 2022, LOPSTM 2023, 2024

FEDERICO CAPASSO, Robert L. Wallace Professor
Harvard University School of Engineering & Applied Sciences, USA
Terahertz Pioneer, Peter H. Siegel, Fellow, IEEE | (2002): Duddell Medal and Prize | (2004) Edison Medal
(2013) SPIE Gold Medal | (2016) Balzan Prize | (2019) Matteucci Medal  Citations (Google Scholar)
100000 H-index (Google Scholar): 150+ Publications |  500+ peer-reviewed journals Patents: 70+ US patents
Plenary Speaker LOPS2022, LOPS2023

Prof. Dr.Ing. habil. Jürgen Czarske
Head of Laboratory of Measurement and Sensor System Technique, TU Dresden
Director of Institute of Circuits and Systems
Director of Competence Center Biomedical Computational Laser Systems (BIOLAS)
(2022) SPIE Chandra S Vikram Award in Optical Metrology | (2020) Inaugural IEEE Laser Instrumentation Award | (2019) OPTICA Joseph Fraunhofer Award/Robert M Burley Prize | (2008) Berthold Leibinger Innovation Prize of Trumpf Laser Systems | Fellow of OPTICA, SPIE, IoP, IET, EOS, Plenary Speaker LOPS2023, 2024

 Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins University, USA | Title: TBA
 2017 Outstanding Professional Award of Region 2 (IEEE) |  2018 Meritorious Achievement Award (IEEE)
 2009 The Hartwell Foundation Individual Biomedical Research Award 
 Biomedical Research Collaboration Award | Keynote Speaker: LOPSTM2021, LOPSTM 2022, LOPSTM 2023, 2024

President, CEO, Redondo Optics, USA 

Professor of Systems Engineering and Engineering Physics,  College of Engineering and Science
Department of Computer Engineering and Science, Florida Institute of Technology, USA

Director, OCT Laboratory, Irvine Beckman Laser Institute, University of California 
Director, The Functional OCT Laboratory, UCI Beckman Laser Institute & Medical Clinic
Co-founder and chairman, Board of directors, OCT Medical Imaging, Inc
Fellow: Optical Society of America,  SPIE Keynote Speaker: LOPSTM2021, LOPSTM 2022, LOPSTM 2023

Director, Biophotonics Laboratory 
Marquette University and Medical College of Wisconsin, Session Chair, LOPSTM
Session Chair, Organizing Committee: LOPS2023

Presentations at LOPS2023™ 

ALAN WILLNER,  Steven, Kathryn Sample Chair, University of Southern California
Co-Chair, U.S. National Academies Committee, Optics & Photonics Study
Invited foreign dignitary Nobel Prize Ceremonies, Stockholm (2009)
President, OSA, IEEE Photonics Society | General (IEEE, LEOS) & Co-Chair, CLEO & OSA 
Chair, Telecom Engineering, SPIE's Photonics West, Chair, IEEE MILCOM
General Co-Chair, IEEE Photonics Society Topical Meet | Member:  IEEE, OSA & SPIE

Title: Structured Light for High-Capacity Communications

LIHONG WANG, California Institute of Technology, USA
Bren Professor & Andrew Peggy Cherng Medical Engineering Leadership Chair; EO, Medical Engineering

Goodman Book Writing Award NSF Career, NIH Fist | NIH Director’s Pioneer, NIH/NCI Outstanding Investigator 
SPIE Britton Chance Biomedical Optics Award, IPPA Senior Prize, OSA Michael S. Feld Biophotonics

Plenary Speaker LOPS2023


Chair, Department of Physics and Astronomy | Colgate University, USA
2020: Jonathan F. Reichert & Barbara Wolff-Reichert Award (American Physical Society)
2018: Fellow, Optical Society of America | 2010: Award to Faculty Member for Research (American Physical Society)
(2013-2015, 2017-2019): Picker Interdisciplinary Institute Grant | Charles A. Dana Professor, Physics & Astronomy,  Plenary Speaker LOPS2023


The City College of New York | Founding Director, The Institute for Ultrafast Spectroscopy & Lasers (1982) | Title: TBA
 Fellow: OSA , APS, IEEE, SPIE & ENYIPLA  2019: SPIE Gold Medal | 2008: OSA Charles Townes |
 2002: Coherent Lifetime Achievement | 2016: OSA Michael S. Field Biophotonics | 2013: APS Arthur L Schawlow
2013:  CCNY President's Inaugural Award for Excellence | American Physical Society Arthur Schawlow
Plenary Speaker, Chief Planning Committee member, LOPSTM Annual Conferences

 Title of Talk:  Laser In Space Application
World Recognized Microtechnologist  & Materials Scientist | Chairman of SPIE & Global Excel Conferences (10 years) |
 Chief Scientific Committee Member, Chairman, Keynote Speaker LOPSTM 2021
Co-Chairman, LOPSTM2023 |  Chairman LOPSTM 2024

LINGYAN SHI, Discoverer, Heavy water labeling a relatively new imaging method
stimulated Raman scattering microscopy
Discoverer, Golden Optical Window, UCSD Bioengineering, USA
  Keynote Speaker: LOPS2021, LOPS2022 & LOPS2023

Director, Biophotonics Laboratory Title: TBA
Marquette University and Medical College of Wisconsin, Session Chair, LOPSTM
Session Chair, Organizing Committee: LOPS2023

University of Strasbourg, France | Senior Session Chair, LOPS Conferences
Session Chair, Keynote Speaker LOPSTM2021, LOPSTM2022, LOPSTM2023

 Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins University, USA |  
 2017 Outstanding Professional Award of Region 2 (IEEE) |  2018 Meritorious Achievement Award (IEEE)
 2009 The Hartwell Foundation Individual Biomedical Research Award |  Biomedical Research Collaboration Award 
Keynote Speaker: LOPSTM2021, LOPSTM 2022, LOPSTM 2023


PETER J. DELFYETT, University Trustee Chair
Pegasus Professor, Optics & Photonics, ECE & Physics
Director, Townes Laser Institute, University of Central Florida, USA
Director & Professor, CREOL | Keynote Speaker LOPS2021, LOPS2022, LOPS2023

Director, OCT Laboratory, Irvine Beckman Laser Institute, University of California
 Title: TBA  | Director, The Functional OCT Laboratory, UCI Beckman Laser Institute & Medical Clinic
Co-founder & chairman, Board of directors, OCT Medical Imaging, Inc
Fellow: Optical Society of America,  SPIE | Keynote Speaker: LOPSTM2021, LOPSTM 2022, LOPSTM 2023

I-SENSE Fellow | Florida Atlantic University, USA  
 Organizing Committee LOPS2023

Researcher, Lecturer, Physics, Biophysics, Spectroscopy, Quantum Biology, Strong theoretical exp. skills
Scientific Advisor and Session Co-Chair : LOPS Annual Conferences


 MARTIN LAVERY,  University of Glasgow, UK
2013: Scopus Young Scientist of the Year for Physical Sciences
2019: Royal Acamdemy of Edinburgh Sir Thomas Makdougall Brisbane Medal

Mobile World Scholar Gold Medal

WANG, LIHONGCalifornia Institute of Technology, USA
Bren Professor, Medical & Electrical Engineering | Andrew & Peggy Cherng Medical Engineering Leadership
CEO (aka Department Chair) of Medical Engineering Andrew 
Title: Photoacoustic tomography & compressed ultrafast photograph


Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellow University of Southampton, UK
Title of talk: Topology, Skyrmions, and Superoscillation of Structured Light


NILOY K.DUTTA, Life Fellow: The Institute of Electrical Engineers Fellow
Optical Society of America & International Society of Optical Engineers Member,
Connecticut Academy of Science & Engineering, University of Connecticut, USA

Chester F.Carlson Center for Imaging Science | Fellow, Optical Society of America
 NASA NIAC Fellow (3-times) & Cottrell Scholar 
Editor-in-Chief, The Journal of the Optical Society of America, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Title: Solar and Laser Driven Light Sails for In-Space Propulsion | Plenary Speaker LOPS2023


ANDREAS H. HIELSCHER, Professor and Chair Director,
Clinical Biophotonics Laboratory (CBL), New York University, USA
Plenary Speaker LOPS2022, LOPS2023

HAISHAN ZENGUniversity of British Columbia, USA
BC Cancer Research Centre |  28 granted patents leads: Fluorescence endoscopy (ONCO-LIFE™) 
Rapid Raman Spectroscopy (Verisante Aura™) | Prism Award (Life Sciences and Biophotonics 2013, SPIE)
Keynote Speaker: LOPS2021, LOPS2022, LOPS2023


IGOR MEGLINSKI, Aston University, UK
Node Leader in Biophotonics 4 Life Worldwide Consortium (BP4L)
Senior Member of IEEE, Chartered Physicist (CPhys), Chartered Engineer (CEng)
 Fellow, Institute of Physics (London), Fellow, SPIE |  Fellow, OPTICA (fromely OSA) | Keynote Speaker: LOPS2021, LOPS2023

Distinguished Fellow, IDSAI, Fellow, SID 
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong

 CHRISTIAN HUCK, Head of Spectroscopy Unit & V.Head of Institute
Editor in Chief, Spectrochimica Acta, Editor in Chief, NIR news
Editor, Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy | University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria
Keynote Speaker : LOPS2022 LOPS2023

 James M. Skinner Professor of Science, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Title:  Optical Blood Flow Measurements in Deep Tissues

CEO, CTO, Tomowave, USA
Title of Talk: Three-dimensional Quantitative OptoAcoustic Tomography for Functional and Molecular Imaging

Charles A. Dana Professor of Physics & Astronomy Chair
 Department of Physics and Astronomy Colgate University, USA

MAI, CHONGCHANGE, The Ohio State University, USA
Title: Polarization Independent Liquid Crystal on Silicon Phase Modulator

TUAN VO-DINHDirector, Fitzpatrick Institute for Photonics, USA
R. Eugene and Susie E. Goodson Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering
 Rank: 43 (list of world's top 100 living geniuses (Creators Synectics, a global consultants firm)
Elected to the National Academy of Inventors (2017) | 2019: Sir George Stokes Award

President’s Award. SPIE. 2022

WOLFGANG OSTENProfessor & Institute Director Faculty of Engineering Design,
Production Engineering & Automotive Engineering Institute of Technical Optics (ITO)
Keynote Speaker: LOPS2021, LOPS202 & LOPS2023

ANDREI AFANASEV, The George Washington University, USA
Nitu Borgohain, University of Science & Technology Meghalaya (USTM), India
Keynote Speaker: LOPS2021, LOPS2022 & LOPS2023

JOE KUNSCH, Laser Components, Germany

INDU FIESLER SAXENA, Innoveyda, United States

RICHARD KYUNG, Director of Choice Research Group, Program Chair in IEEE SPMB USA

Title: The Quantum and Physico-chemical Properties of Opto-electric Polymeric Metamaterials for Application of Surface Plasmon Polaritons(SPPs) 

(2022 LOPS Best Research Manuscript Award Winner)    


SINUHE PEREAKing's College London Strand, UK 

SHALAKA KONJALWARM, Florida Atlantic University, USA
Title: Novel 3-D vascular metabolic imaging to assess effects of irradiation in lungs and kidney of rat

Title:  Understanding why liver vasculature demonstrates higher resistance to radiation injury in female Wistar rat models

Stephen James, FInstP, Professor of Applied Optics
Centre for Engineering Photonics, Cranfield University, UK


LOPS2023TM 3rd Edition | Schedule

DAY 1: Industrial Expo and Showcase | Plenary Forum | Keynote Speaker Forum | Speaker Program |
Scientific Workshops | Networking Sessions | Promotional Sessions | Technical Workshops | Business Talks | B2B Meetings
Symposia | Young Researchers Forums | Research Group Sessions | Panel Discussions | Promotional Sessions

DAY 2: Industrial Expo and Showcase | Plenary Forum | Keynote Speaker Forum | Speaker Program |
Scientific Workshops | Networking Sessions | Promotional Sessions | Technical Workshops | Business Talks | B2B Meetings
Symposia | Young Researchers Forums | Research Group Sessions | Panel Discussions | Promotional Sessions

DAY 3: Industrial Expo and Showcase | Plenary Forum | Keynote Speaker Forum | Speaker Program |
Scientific Workshops | Networking Sessions | Promotional Sessions | Technical Workshops | Business Talks | B2B Meetings
Symposia | Young Researchers Forums | Research Group Sessions | Panel Discussions | Promotional Sessions


Industrial Presentations Sponsors & Supporting Partners Representations
Exhibitions Starts at : 8:00 AM
Exhibitions Ends at : 18:00 PM
Exhibition Dates: June 2-5 2023
Exhibitor Stalls Set Up: 6 PM onwards on June 1, 2023
Representative from the Exhibitor need to carry Registration ID while starting the Booth Set Up
TableTop Exhibition Booths also available 

Don’t miss these world-class speakers reporting on major breakthroughs and opportunities in Lasers, Optics, Photonics, Sensors, Biophotonics and  Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics many more Discoveries..!!  


Previous Conferences Testimonials !  

The program of the conference was very interesting and broad but unfortunately I could only be there for my talk due to an onslaught of work right before leaving for a week in Italy where I am now heading to sunny Calabria! I welcome the opportunity to attend the next one and I thank you in advance for inviting me to give another plenary; which means the need to present other novel and exciting research results!

Federico Capasso, 
Robert L. Wallace Professor of Applied Physics, Vinton Hayes Senior Research Fellow
Electrical Engineering Harvard University, School of Engineering & Applied Sciences, USA


Although held in a virtual format, the LOPS 2022 conference was a great success from my perspective. The speakers were all of a very high standard and the content of their presentations extremely interesting. Of course, working on aspects of technology for health, I was particularly sensitive to the conferences related to this field. That being said, the quality of the speakers from other fields provided an enriching understanding of their contributions. See you soon, no doubt!

Bruno Wacogne, CNRS Research Director at the FEMTO-ST Institute, France
Head, Photonics for medical instrumentation


 LOPS 2022 was an excellent event, bringing together experts from many disciplines of the Optics and Photonics community. The initiative has gained momentum, compared to previous years. It is attracting a rising number of first class researchers from all over the world, and is definitely useful for anyone who would like to have exposure to top-of-the-line research in one own’s area, as well as for broadening one’s scientific horizon.
In addition to being a forum for presentations and discussions, the conference was also an outstanding networking opportunity.
Last but not least, the organizers have done an excellent job in coordinating the event, setting up a well-prepared schedule, and managing the conference in a timely manner. Thank you, Drs. Alfano, Javahiraly, Siesler, Toptani, and all remaining members of the Scientific Committee. Thank you, Keerthi, for your tireless efforts!  Thank you everyone for all your time and energy that made this event a success!

                                                                                                                   Boris Gramatikov, Johns Hopkins University, USA


It was a beautiful experience. In my opinion good quality scientific work has been presented. Goal achieved.
I want to thank all of you, Prof. Heinz, Prof. Alfano, Keerhi and Nicola for letting me be part of this fantastic work and the most important for making me a part of this wonderful organizing and scientific committee. I cannot thank you enough Dr. Alfano and Keerthi for their kind cooperation.

With best wishes,
                                                                                                                         Dr Ilirjana Anna Sino Toptani Mariani, Ph.D

Thank you very much for this nice online conference. This gave to many people the opportunity to share their work and to maybe build efficient collaborations. I personally enjoyed very much be part of the work with you all. Looking forward the next one in 2023.

   Sincerely Yours,
Javahiraly Nicolas (ILL), University of Strasbourg, France


Thanks to your involvement and specifically Keerthi´s hard work, LOPS 2022 was – in my opinion – a success. The presentations were a good mix of theory, instrumentation and application aspects and despite occasional transmission problems due to the virtual format, the majority of contributions could be well understood. Thanks for letting me be part of this conference.

                                                                                                                                                        Prof. Dr. Heinz W. Siesler
                                                                             Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
                                                                                                                                       Chairman LOPS2022 and LOPS2023

“LOPS 2021TM was a phenomenally successful event wherein leading researchers across the globe presented ground-breaking research results in the fields of lasers, optics, photonics, and sensors. The event had excellent presentations throughout and I particularly enjoyed the active integration of young researchers and students throughout the conference. This was a great opportunity to see fundamental and applied research in a variety of disciplines and I and my students benefited immensely.  We are looking forward to LOPS 2022TM

                                                                                                                                            William (Doc A) Arrasmith, PhD, 
                                                                                                                                       Florida Institute of Technology, USA


It was a pleasure participating in the LOPS 2021TM conference, and I’d like to thank Prof. Alfano and all organizers for the invitation and for putting together such a complex worldwide webinar. The speakers were outstanding, the presentations were excellent, and the broad range of optics and photonics topics covered was truly stimulating. Congratulations for a well-planned conference.

                                                                                                              Sergio Fantini, Professor of Biomedical Engineering
                                                                                                                                                              Tufts University, USA
                                                                                                                             2004: Graduate Student Council's Awardee
                                                                                                                                         2001: Outstanding Faculty Awardee


I would like to thank you first for this nice invitation at the conference LOPS 2021TM. The conference was very interesting, well organized and very inspiring for interaction and collaborations. I was impressed by the organization I found very efficient and flexible. The conference gave me the opportunity to present my research to a global audience creating an excellent synergy. Experience we have to do it again every year for sure! Looking forward to see you next year! 

Nicolas Javahiraly, Project manager, Expert, The Sagem Defense group, 
University of Strasbourg, France


Congratulations for outstanding conference LOPS 2021TM

Manijeh Razeghi, Walter P. Murphy Professor, Director, Center for Quantum Devices,
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Northwestern University, USA   


After an unfortunate Covid-19 year, which led to the cancellation of LOPS 2020 in Orlando, LOPS 2021TM was surprisingly well organized and attended. The organizers, and Managing Director Mr. Keerthi Rajana in particular, put every possible effort to make the LOPS 2021TM event a success, and they did achieve this. The Organizing Committee attracted a number of world-famous experts in lasers, optics and photonics, which led to exciting vibrant sessions. The virtual format was well chosen and adapted to the fact that colleagues were participating from many different time zones, so distance was not a problem. LOPS 2022TM, anticipated to be hybrid, promises to be even more attractive. Thank you, LOPS organizers, we hope to see everyone again during LOPS 2022TM

Boris Gramatikov, Ph.D., Associate Professor,
Johns Hopkins University, United States


Thank you Keerthi for your organisation.  Thank you very much indeed for inviting me to participate in LOPS2021
 It has been most enjoyable and interesting, and I learnt a lot.

Professor Angela B Seddon,  BSc (Hons),  MPhil,  PhD,  FSGT, FIMM,  FRSC,  CChem, FSPIE
Chair of Inorganic Materials. Head of Mid-Infrared Photonics Group, GGIEMR,AMRG,
Faculty of Engineering. University of Nottingham, UK, A:Coates Building, Dept. Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing.   Engineering, University Park, University of Nottingham, UK


I hereby express my sincere gratitude to the organizers of the LOPS 2021TM. It's a great pleasure and honour to be able to hear from world class professors and scientists across the globe, and also to present my work on this platform. It is indeed a red-letter day for me. Thank you so much for the kind help and support from the LOPS-2021 (International Scientific Conference on Lasers, Optics, Photonics & Sensors) and the Excel Global Conferences group. I wish there were more such conferences in the coming days.

Thanks a lot.!
Nitu Borgohain (PhD),
University of Science & Technology, Meghalaya

TM was a very good opportunity for me. The conference generated a lot of ideas about how to continue to expand my skills and my professional qualifications. Thank you again for your great job. I really appreciate your hard work. 


Erlin He, Florida Institute of Technology, USA

It was a pleasure and honour to participate in the LOPS 2021
TM conference, and I would like to thank Prof. Kazemi, Prof. Alfano, Keerthi and all organizers. The conference was very interesting, well organized, and very inspiring for interaction and collaborations

Nooshafarin Kazemikhoo, MD, PhD, UNSW Sydney, Australia

Well organized with rapid response to communications.The Global Webinar on Emerging Infectious Diseases held on January 9, 2021TM was well organized with rapid response to communications. The Webinar gave me opportunity to present my research to a global audience and I enjoyed the scientific interaction.

Prof. C. J. Wright,  PhD FRMS, Reader Bioprocess Engineering
Portfolio Director Medical Engineering, Head of Chemical and Biological Engineering Research Group,
Biomaterials, Biofouling and Biofilms Engineering Laboratory (B3EL)
The Systems and Process Engineering Centre (SPEC)

College of Engineering | Y Coleg Peirianneg, Swansea University | Prifysgol Abertawe
Fabian Way | Ffordd Fabian, Crymlyn Burrows, Swansea | Abertawe, Wales | Cymru, SA1 8EN, Director, ProColl Ltd,  UK and Membranology, UK


"Having worked closely with Excel Conferences organization on several occasions since its inception, we are able to confidently confirm that its management conducts itself as a competent and professional body that maintained a good reputation in our academic community. In fact, the management of "Excel Conferences" has consistently exceeded our expectations and believed to take the organization beyond the expectations of its competitors in serving our communities".


Prof. Mohamed E. Wagih, 
Professor Of Genetics & Biotechnology,  
President, Canadian Academy Of    Sciences (CAS), Canada 


"Its a great pleassure in associating with Excel Conferences towards its services, informative and innovative projects. I Greately appreciate their efforts to the scientific community. Excel Conferences provides an excellent opportunity to catch the latest trends and reviews by establihing communication and networking between the experts from both academic and industrial backgrounds”.


Dr. Yarla, Novel Global Education Foundation,
NSW, Australia. Member, American Cancer Association, USA


"Conferences of Excel Conferences are giving detailed data on Food science, Food Technology and Food Engineering Perpectives. All of Key Nutrition Branches and key consumer data live in Food science  for quickly identify and take action on any roadblocks across our growth cycle. Wishing the new success for upcoming meetings of  Excel Conferences ".         

Prof. Ozlem Tokusoglu, Celal Bayar University, Turkey,
Conferences Chair, Food and Nutrition Conferences


"It was a great honour and a pleasure to be together with Excel Conferences  organization management on many events, I learned a lot of things and I was impressed by the scientific level and the passion for the progress of colleagues, and academics. The chief, managers, organizers and all the workers in this organization are professional, enthusiasm and thoughtful".


Marwa M. Elmaghrabi, Medical Tests Consultant, 
Permanent Researcher, Stem Cells And Tissue Culture Labs At Faculty Of Medicine.


"Global Webinar on Emerging Infectious Diseases, was held on January 9, 2021. The conference was attended by scientists and specialists from many countries. The topic of the Сonference was about a dangerous disease like coronavirus and other Infectious Diseases. The conference was held in English. In the context of the pandemic, the Conference Organizer chose the only correct solution - the correspondence form of communication. A lot of reports in the form of Lectures-Presentations were listened to. This will help you choose new ways to diagnose, prevent and treat coronavirus. The Conference reports will be published in specialized journals."

Elena Germanovna Dmitrieva, Clinical Pharmacist, 
Cand.Biol.Science’s for Clinical Pharmacology, Russia


"This Global Webinar on Emerging Infectious Disease provided a platform to present scientific works at this crucial time of need when the contact meeting is very difficult. It was a great opportunity to present my short piece of work at this forum where great scientist and researcher around the globe were present. Similarly, I was delighted to hear and learn many new ideas and knowledge on infectious diseases including COVID-19. However due to internet connectivity issues, I couldn’t some grab some lectures.
Nevertheless, I am overwhelmed as the webinar was well timed and very informative. Therefore, I will be glad to join on the upcoming webinars in the future conducted by Excel Group''. 

Ragunath Sharma, Sr. Laboratory Officer, Dept of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (Microbiology),
Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital, Lecturer, Khesar Gyelpo University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan, Bhutan


" What a pleasure it was to attend the global webinar on emerging infectious diseases that was held on January 9, 2021.  Many specialists, researchers, scientists, and professors around the world were attended. I have not stopped talking about it with my Head and colleagues, as it was different and dealing with newly interesting infectious disease topics and all in all were useful, and helpful especially in diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of novel Corona virus symptoms. I felt happy to share my presentation entitled “Measure to avoid remission of covid-19 infection” in this event, and hoping to share again in this precious networking". 

Dr. Marwa M. Elmaghrabi, Consultant in medical analysis, 
Permanent researcher of stem cells and tissue culture labs, Alexandria Faculty of Medicine, Egypt 


"Global Webinar on Emerging Infectious Diseases, was held on January 9, 2021. The conference was attended by many professionals from different parts of the world. There were many interesting lectures, all presented in English. The themes of the presentations were all related to infectious disease (COVID-19, bacteria resistance, etc…). The organization was excellent and they gave the opportunity of all presenters publishing their studies in open access journal without costs. I attest that all information that is related in this feedback is real."

Huang Wei Ling MD, Acupuncture and Pain Management Specialist,
Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic,  Franca, São Paulo, Brazil


The last week Webinar (Global webinar on emerging infectious diseases) was good and we had a great interction with people.  

We will stay in touch !

Dr. Sivakumar Gowder, 
Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam 


The conference was well organized with world class speakers and delegates. The scientific program and Pannel discussions are executed very well.  I Would like to attend the future conferences organized by Excel Global Conferences and exhibitions in the upcoming years too. Congratulations to Excel Group for organizing such a pure scientific service oriented and non profitable event. All the best for your future events and Exhibitions. I would recommend my colleagues across the World to join the conferences organized by Excel Group.
 All the Best !

Best Regards,
Dr. Yacob  Mathai, 
Marma Health Centre, Kerala. India


Greetings from PGIMER, Chandigarh, India!

I was pleased to attend the Global Webinar on Emerging Infectious Diseases, which was held on January 9, 2021. I had the pleasure of interacting with many esteemed scientists from different countries. The lectures were thought-provoking and gave us all an interesting insight into the subject of infectious diseases, which is especially relevant in these current times, and also how this current pandemic is giving rise to an increase in the incidence of infectious diseases. Furthermore, I would like to appreciate the effort of the organizers in organizing this interactive and informative webinar.


Dr. Anuradha Chakraborti, Professor & Head, Department of Experimental Medicine & Biotechnology,
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh, India

Call For Submissions


Significance of Participation

  • Networking with World Renowned Inspiring Speakers and Leaders in the field Distinguished Posters Awards, Young Practitioners, Young Investigators Awards
  • Networking Sessions, International Symposia
  • Getting the opportunity to Network with Like-Minded People & meet Leaders
  • Presenting and disseminating results of Latest Projects & Research
  • Rejuvenating and reenergizing you Career, 1 to 1 meeting set up with expert of interest
  • Cutting edge discussions on latest advancements by experts
  • Reviewed abstracts will be published in conference book with DOI
  • Presentations from the World Class Keynote Speakers
  • Career Development Sessions, Certificate of Accreditation from the Scientific Committee
  • Conference Photos and Videos submission (Post Event)
  • Brainstorming sessions for students, Panel Discussions by Session Chairs and Co speakers
  • Post Conference Networking, Accepted Abstracts will be published in the Indexed Journals 

Sponsor ?

  • Exclusive B2B & B2C sessions with key decision makers
  • Start Up Healthcare Talks, Business Talks & Promotional Sessions, Access to all Sessions & Workshops
  • Advertisement in Website, Promotional Materials, Advertisement in Conference Souvenir
  • Recognition on the Scientific program, Keynote speaker Forum & Sessions chair slots
  • Promotional email blasts, Social media and PRs, Personalised Meeting of interest form submission.

  • Note: There are more unique and unprecedented Benefits to the Exhibitors, Sponsors, for more details  contact @ contactexcelconferences@gmail.com


Why Visit


Conference Location:

DoubleTree Resort by Hilton Hollywood Beach, 4000 South Ocean Dr., Hollywood, FL 33019

Check In : 4:00 pm and Check Out time : 11:00 am
Closest Airport : Fort Lauderdale – Hollywood international airport (FLL)

Accommodation Booking: 


(Note: Attendees can book accommodation at the venue, please reach us to get the discounted link )


Double Tree By Hilton, Hollywood Beach, Florida, USA

Accessible Amenities at the venue 

  • Accessible business center, Accessible concierge desk
  • Accessible elevators, Accessible exercise facility
  • Accessible guest rooms with mobility features with entry or passage doors that provide 32” of clear width
  • Accessible hotel restaurant, Accessible meeting rooms
  • Accessible parking, Accessible public entrance
  • Accessible registration desk, Accessible route from the accessible public entrance to the accessible guestrooms, registration area, meeting room/ballroom area, 
  • Accessible route from the hotel’s accessible public entrance to at least one restaurant
  • Accessible route from the hotel’s accessible public entrance to the business center, exercise facilities, swimming pool, Accessible transportation with advance notice
  • Assistive listening devices for meetings upon request
  • Audible alarms, Audible alerts in elevators
  • Bathroom doors at least 32 inches wide, Bedroom doors at least 32 inches wide (812 mm)
  • Braille elevator, Closed captioning on televisions or closed captioning decoders
  • Hotel complies with all local and/or national disability laws (outside U.S.) or the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (for U.S. hotels only)
  • Grab bars in bathroom, Hotel complies with ADA Guidelines
  • Level or ramp entrance into the building
  • Lowered buttons in elevators, Lowered emergency evacuation instructions, light switches, 
  • Lowered peep hole in door, thermostat controls
  • Public Areas/Facilities accessible for physically challenged
  • Roll-in Shower, Rooms accessible to wheelchairs (no steps)
  • Service support animals welcome
  • Strobe alarms, Swimming pool hoist for pool access
  • Valet only parking, Vibrating fire alarm available
  • Visual alarm for hearing impaired, Visual alarms for hearing impaired in hallways, public areas, Wheelchair ramp for lobby/reception access