Pediatrics and Healthcare are rapidly expanding by playing a prominent role in the Medical field. Pediatricians play a critical role in disease prevention, health promotion and delivering primary and community care. They provide care in emergency settings and will play major achievements of global health coverage.
We are delighted to announce the “International Conference on Pediatrics & Healthcare (ICPW 2020)” Scheduled in November 3-14, 2020 in Orlando.
This International conference provides a platform to all the attendees where they can share, discuss, about innovative research Ideas, Advances in Midwifery research and technologies, authoritative views, practical problems and difficulties experienced and solution adopted in the fields Pediatricians, Child care specialists, Pediatric nurses, Pediatric nutritionists of Midwifery. This international conference is gathering Registered Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Scientists, Doctors, Professors, Research scholars, professionals, entrepreneurs, innovators, investors, Healthcare Organizers to trade and share their encounters and research results on all perspectives of Pediatrics and Healthcare.
Schedule @ Glance
Day-1 Friday: 3 Keynote Speaker Forum, Speaker Sessions, Scientific Programs, 3 Networking Sessions, Refreshments, Lunch Buffet, Conference Group Photo, Promotional Sessions, Workshops, Symposia & Young Researchers Forums, Exhibitions, Session Panel Discussions.
Day-2 Saturday: 3 Keynote Speaker Forum, Speaker Sessions, Workshops, Poster sessions, Conference Group Photo, Young Researchers Forums, 3 Networking Sessions, Refreshments, Lunch Buffet, Promotional Sessions, Exhibitions, Session Panel Discussions & Awards Ceremony. Local Tour, all registered attendees* are eligible to enjoy local tour. We are bringing together all our participants in the name of bus trip with the purpose of engaging everybody and we believe this trip will fulfill the purpose of excellent networking.
Credits (CNE, CME & CPD): Participants will be provided with 18 hours of credits at the end of the conference.
For more details, please write your queries at
Note: Breakfast and Accommodation will be offered with discounted rates, please write your request to for further information.
Networking! Networking!! Networking!!!
In addition to the 2 days scientific programs, The ICPW 2020 execution committee scheduled a mini local tour on Day-3 toward the nearby locations, during the tour, attendees can develop unprecedented networking with the experts, leaders and new collegues from different locations. Register before the early bird registration deadline and get maximum benefits and visit Orlando along with your Friends & Family and take advantage, we are sure you will form connections with colleagues from around the world, enjoy your visit and have unforgettable memories.
Looking forward to seeing you all in Orlando in November 2020 for a Significant and memorable event!
Experts Opinion About Excel conferences!!
"Its a great pleasure in associating with Excel Conferences its services, informative and innovative projects. I greately appreciate their efforts to the scientific community. Excel Conference provides an excellent opportunity to catch the latest trends and reviews by establishing communication and networking between the experts from both academic and industrial backgrounds”
Novel Global Education Foundation, NSW, Australia, Member, American Cancer Association, USA Ph: 1(405) 837-2582
"Having worked closely with Excel Conferences organization on several occasions since its inception, we are able to confidently confirm that its management conducts itself as a competent and professional body that maintained a good reputation in our academic community. In fact, the management of Excel Conferences has consistently exceeded our expectations and believed to take the organization beyond the expectations of its competitors in serving our communities".
Mohamed E. Wagih, Professor Of Genetics & Biotechnology, President, Canadian Academy Of Sciences, Canada: +1647522 4533, Egypt: + 201005444233, Mewagih@Gmail.Com
"It was a great honour and a pleasure to be together with Excel Conferences organization management on many events, I learned a lot of things and I was impressed by the scientific level and the passion for the progress of colleagues, and academics. The chief, managers, organizers and all the workers in this organization are professional, enthusiasm and thoughtful".
Marwa M. Elmaghrabi, Medical Tests Consultant, Permanent Researcher Of Stem Cells And Tissue Culture Labs At Faculty Of Medicine, Whats App: 201200693800 Email: Marvenmomo@Yahoo.Com
"Exceleve Food Conferences are giving detailed data on Food science, Food Technology and Food Engineering Perpectives. All of Key Nutrition Branches and key consumer data live in Food science for quickly identify and take action on any roadblocks across our growth cycle. Wishing the new success for upcoming meetings of Excel Conferences."
Ozlem Tokusoglu, Celal Bayar University Turkey, Celal Bayar University Turkey, Conferences Chair, Food and Nutrition Conferences
JOURNAL “PEDIATRIA” NAMED AFTER G.N. SPERANSKY (the official short names of the Journal are “JOURNAL «PEDIATRIA»,” “PEDIATRIA,” and “«PEDIATRIA,» THE JOURNAL”) is the oldest Soviet-and-Russian (in the Russian Federation, the CIS and former Soviet Union) scientific and practical medical periodical assigned for pediatricians that is published continuously since May, 1922, and distributed worldwide. Our mission statement specifies that we aim to the ‘_raising the level of skills and education of pediatricians, organizers of children’s health protection services, medicine scientists, lecturers and students of medical institutes for higher education, universities and colleges worldwide with an emphasis on Russian-speaking audience and specific, topical problems of children’s healthcare in Russia, the CIS, Baltic States and former Soviet Union Countries and their determination with the use of the World’s best practices in pediatrics_.’ As part of this objective, the Editorial of the Journal «Pediatria» named after G.N. Speransky itself adopts a neutral position on issues treated within the Journal. The Journal serves to further academic discussions of topics, irrespective of their nature - whether religious, racial-, gender-based, environmental, ethical, political or other potentially or topically contentious subjects. The Journal is registered with the ISSN, - the international identifier for serials and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world: ISSN 0031-403X (PRINT), and ISSN 1990-2182 (ONLINE). The Journal was founded by the Academician, Dr. _GEORGIY NESTOROVICH SPERANSKY_, in May, 1922. Now (since 1973) the Journal bears his honorary name.
The opti-MY-WISE life range of supplements is to be launched in February, 2020 as the product is currently in the manufacturing phase. These supplements are based on 11 years of research and have approval for sales in USA, Australia and New Zealand as AUST L 321550. The opti-MY-WISE life range will deliver supplements to aid recovery from chronic psychosis, intrusive thoughts, mood disturbances, environmental sensitivities or chronic pain for quality of life
Our brain adapts to low energy & lipid metabolism by changing our thoughts, mood, judgement & our perception of the world around us. When taken regularly, opti-MY-WISE life brain well-being helps with the temporary relief of intrusive thoughts, mood disturbances by optimizing energy & lipid metabolic processes. opti-MY-WISE life brain well-being may assist recovery, neurotransmission, energy production, promote health & well-being, in adults who experience chronic intrusive thoughts or mood disturbances. In a clinical trial testing the active ingredient, 81.3% of people improved their chronic intrusive thoughts or mood disturbances by at least 75% over 180 days as an add-on to usual treatments.
Damaged nerve structures & signaling pathways change our perception of pain. opti-MY-WISE life chronic pain helps with the temporary relief of chronic pain by dampening pain signals, inflammation & stimulating cell survival machinery. Taken regularly, opti-MY-WISE life chronic pain may assist recovery, neurotransmission, promote health & well-being in adults experiencing chronic neck or joint pain. In a clinical trial, testing the active ingredient, 81.2% of adults improved their chronic neck or joint pain by 50% or more over 180 days.
People who experience environmental sensitivities to light, sound, energy, electrics, smells or chemicals, have an impaired ability to respond to environmental cues. Taken regularly, opti-MY-WISE life helps reduce this by optimizing protective mechanisms to support adaptation to environmental stressors. opti-MY-WISE life may assist the body to cope with environmental stress, promote health & well-being in adults experiencing environmental sensitivities with regular use over 180- days.
Website for opti-MY-WISE life is going to be
Contact email:
The following are the steps that each abstract undergoes during the process of peer review:
Criteria to be considered for Scoring: All abstracts will be reviewed according to the following criteria